Palo Alto Sugar Wax Services

An All-Natural Approach to Hair Removal in Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, California

Hair Removal For Eyebrows, Bikini, Underarm, Lip, Chin & Face

Sugaring at Lidia’s Skincare Studio in Palo Alto, California!



Benefit #1 Sugaring is All Natural!


Benefit #2 Sugaring Leaves Skin Softer


Benefit #3 Sugaring Lasts Longer Than Shaving

Removing unwanted body hair naturally with sugar waxing services at our Palo Alto California Facial Spa

Still not convinced our Palo Alto Sugar Waxing for hair removal is right for you?

More Benefits Of Sugaring:

Pure and Natural Ingredients:

The sugar paste we use at our spa in Palo Alto, is made solely of sugar, water, and citric acid. It’s completely edible with no harsh chemicals or additives so it's an excellent choice for those who want a more natural approach to life - whether they have sensitive skin that needs extra care or are simply passionate about living naturally!

Low Temperature:

Sugaring has a lot of benefits, but the best is that it doesn't get hot enough to burn you. With some people there can be added irritation due to waxing and sugar paste stays at body temperature so only those with sensitive skin will have any issues.

Easy Cleanup:

The benefits of sugaring are plentiful. One reason is that it's water-soluble, which makes the cleanup fast and easy!

Sugar Waxing Doesn’t Stick To Skin:

Sugar doesn't stick to live skin cells because of the high water content; this means less irritation for your sensitive and beautiful skin. Our sugar paste leaves you feeling soft and smooth!

Waxing With Sugar Paste Is Faster:

Sugaring is much faster than other forms of hair removal because there isn't any waiting around to let it set - instead, it goes on immediately and comes off right away without having to wait at all.

Sugaring Removes Even The Shortest Hair

With waxing,  hair needs to be one-quarter of an inch (1/4″) long. That is 14 days of growth after shaving for most people. Sugaring has the ability to remove much shorter hair–about one-eighth of an inch (1/8″)That is only about 7- 10 days of growth on average.

Sugaring is Sanitary:

Lidia gets all of the sugar wax she needs at the beginning of each appointment. There is no need to go back to the sugar pot for more. Since we only get sugar at the beginning of the service, there is less chance of contamination. Additionally, with such a high sugar content, bacteria cannot grow in sugar paste.

Hair Removal With Sugar Breaks Less Hair:

Sugaring is the process of removing hair from the root using a sugar paste against natural growth. This creates less breakage which leaves skin smoother and softer than waxing or tweezing, for instance.

What is sugaring?

Sugaring is a hair removal technique that uses natural ingredients to get rid of unwanted body and facial hair. The paste—which contains lemon, sugar, and water—is safe for your skin. Sugaring doesn't pull at live cells as waxing does; instead, it removes the root (the bulb at the end or outgrowth) from which all hairs grow - this means no stubble!

Sugar Waxing Eyebrows At Lidia's Skincare Studio

Sugar Waxing Eyebrows At Lidia's Skincare Studio

Learn more about our Palo Alto skin care services.